
Southern California partyboat sampling study Quarterly Report no. 7


From January 1 through March 31, 1977, Department personnel made 100 sampling trips aboard southern California partyboats. A total of 16,400 fishes from 68 species was identified and measured. Otoliths, for age determination studies, were removed from 301 rockfish carcasses representing 23 species. The 10 most common species sampled during this quarter were bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis (38.5%); chilipepper, S. goodei (9.8%); widow rockfish, S. entomelas (7.7%); blue rockfish, S. mystinus (6.2%); olive rockfish, S. serranoides (4.2%); Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus (2.8%); vermilion rockfish, Sebastes miniatus (2.7%); speckled rockfish, S. ovalis (2.7%); greenspotted rockfish, S. chlorostictus (2.5%); and squarespot rockfish, S. hopkinsi (2.4%). Fishing effort during this quarter was directed almost exclusively toward "rockcod", as it was for the same period in 1976. (23pp.

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