
Diablo Canyon power plant site ecological study Quarterly Report no. 18; October 1 - December 31, 1977


Large storm-generated swells prevented us from completing the random stations in the North Control. The project has shifted to a low level of field work to allow for analysis of all data and preparation of the final report. Field work during the next year will be confined to monitoring permanent stations. Four permanent subtidal stations were surveyed during the quarter, including a new station located at the entrance of Diablo Cove. Nine random 30m2 stations and 32 - 1/4m2 quadrats were also completed. It appears, from this year's subtidal studies, that there has been a decline in the abundance of lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, and kelp greenling, Hexagrammos decagrammus, in the Diablo Canyon area since our studies began in 1974. A few sea otters continue to raft and forage in Lion Rock Cove. (12pp.

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