
A survey of the marine environment near the city of Goleta ocean outfall


The California Department of Fish and Game and the State Water Resources Control Board (through Regional Board #3, Central Coast) entered into an agreement whereby Department biologist-divers conducted a subtidal ecological investigation of the marine environment in the vicinity of the city of Goleta ocean outfall. The objective of the study was to provide the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) with data to assist them in evaluating the effects of the discharge on the marine environment at four stations selected by the RWQCB around the outfall terminus (Figure 1). One additional physical data station, (G-4), was occupied for temperature and dissolved oxygen determinations. The determinations made by biologist-divers included: (i) the number and diversity of animal life; (ii) substrate characteristics; and (iii) physical parameters, including water temperature, clarity, and dissolved oxygen. Additionally, benthic samples were obtained both by the divers and by a Ponar grab at each station. The State Water Resources Control Board partially reimbursed the Department for expenses incurred during this study. The work was performed by California Department of Fish and Game biologists from the Department's research vessel KELP BASS. (15pp.

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