Lumbar Sciatic Pain Clinical Pathways


Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsTo provide a better experience to the clients, insurance companies are beginning to identify clinical pathways (clinical overlooks) of different non-oncological pathologies to deliver a better experience to their clients and reduce costs, by already knowing what needs to be done before, during and after a surgery, which may lead to time and money savings. This report presents a proposed approach to the lumbar sciatic pain pathology clients from the company where this internship was held. This internship had a duration of 12 months. The creation of clinical pathways for the lumbar sciatic pain aims to help stakeholders to take a step back and see what diagnosis bring patients to the need of a surgery, which procedures are done before and after the surgery, and the main surgical procedures in this pathology. Additionally, the costs are measured, and the main providers for each procedure are analysed, in order to provide a better experience to the clients, indicating what lies ahead, where they should go to get the best treatment, and how much they will pay. This approach was composed by a series of phases, such as business understanding, data understanding, cleaning and preparation, and modelling. There were biweekly and monthly meetings with health professionals and doctors to adjust some information that would be useful for the mentioned phases. In addition, a Predictive Model to identify which clients usually go through a lumbar sciatic surgery was built based on historical medical data, so that when clients come with specific diagnosis or already had certain pre-surgery procedures, identified in the main project of this internship, it is possible to be prepared for what will soon happen. The most important results obtained from this approach were the main pre- and post-surgery procedures, the principal surgeries performed, the costs of each procedure and of the main pathways (pre-, day, and post-surgery), which medical providers give the best results, and the types of clients that usually suffer from lumbar sciatic pain pathology

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