
Estudio del comportamiento dinámico de un vehículo eléctrico mediante SimMechanics.


The introduction of electric propulsion systems in automobiles is helping to reduce fossil fuel consumption and optimize the e ciency of new vehicles. This paper analyzes and simulates the dynamic behavior of an electric vehicle. Dynamic equations are formulated and a three-dimensional prototype is built, which allows the collection of data on mass and inertia of its components. All these variables are implemented in a model that is analyzed by the tool for the analysis of Multibody systems SimMechanics. The main contribution of this paper is the proposal, once validated the model, of a change in the distribution of mass of the vehicle which improves the dynamic performance of it. And thanks to the integration of this model in MATLAB / Simulink, future additions such as navigation systems, autonomous control, brake assist and stability control, among others are possible

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