
The criminal jurisdiction in Colombia military meets the essential role of warranty and protection of human rights


El Derecho Penal Militar, tiene como función principal la protección de los bienes jurídicos inherentes a la fuerza pública y a sus miembros activos; en procura de evitar cualquier irregularidad en el desempeño de las funciones que la constitución Nacional1, les ha encomendado, con restricción al ejercicio de la fuerza, con miras a fortalecer la observancia y cumplimiento del debido proceso que es la obligación indispensable para cumplir con la recta administración 1 CN art. 221 Mod, Art.1 Acto Legislativo No. 2 de 1995. de justicia y el respeto de los derechos humanos de la población civil, dando a conocer las norma de carácter nacional e internacional, que son aplicables y vinculantes al Estado colombiano, y así establecer la normatividad e interpretación de las mismas, son compatibles entre sí, para indicar que la aplicación del Fuero Penal Militar, se encuentra a justado o no a los derechos humanos. Pero no hay que desconocer la inconformidad del análisis, que de la misma hacen los diferentes actores del Estado, cuando establecen la competencia de la Jurisdicción Penal Militar, en virtud a que toda conducta punible, perpetrada por un servidor de las Fuerzas Militares, es de conocimiento de la Justicia Penal Militar, convirtiendo el fuero Penal Militar, en un botín de impunidad o inmunidad para los militares activos que cometan dichas conductas y de esta manera sustraerse de la responsabilidad de las violaciones a los 2 derechos humanos de la sociedad civil. Pero esto no es todo, ya que en virtud a lo extenso de la competencia, las violaciones a los derechos humanos ejecutadas por los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas, son investigadas y castigadas por las autoridades Militares y de esta manera excluyendo a la autoridad ordinaria, el conocimiento y sanción de dichas investigaciones. También se pone de presente cuales son los delitos que están exceptuados, del conocimiento de la Justicia Penal Militar, ya que la gravedad de la violación a los derechos humanos es tan magna, que impactan de gran manera a la sociedad, en cuanto que son violaciones sexuales, ejecuciones extrajudiciales, homicidios, tortura y desaparición forzada etc.,The Military Criminal Law, whose main function is the protection of the legal rights inherent in the police and their active members; in an attempt to prevent any irregularity in the performance of the functions that the National Constitution has entrusted them with restrictions on the exercise of force, to strengthen enforcement and compliance with due process is the essential requirement to fulfill the line administration of justice and respect for 3 human rights of the civilian population, revealing the provision of national and international, that are applicable and binding the Colombian state, and establish regulations and interpretation thereof, are compatible to indicate that the application of the Criminal Military Court, is not set or human rights. But do not ignore the discomfort of the analysis, that just make different state actors, when establishing the jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Court, pursuant to any criminal offense, committed by a servant of the Armed Forces, is knowledge of Military Criminal Justice, turning the military Penal jurisdiction in booty impunity or immunity for active military who commit these behaviors and thereby escape liability for violations of human rights civil society. But that's not all, because under so extensive competition, violations of human rights perpetrated by members of the armed forces are investigated and punished by military authorities and thus excluding ordinary authority, knowledge and sanction of such investigations. It also gets to present what are the crimes that are excepted, the knowledge of the Military Criminal Justice, as the severity of the violation of human rights is so magna, greatly impacting society, in that they are violations sex, extrajudicial executions, killings, torture and enforced disappearancePalabra clave Fuero Penal Militar, garantía de Protección de los Derechos Humanos. THE CRIMINAL JURISDICTION IN COLOMBIA MILITARY MEETS THE ESSENTIAL ROLE OF WARRANTY AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Abstract The Military Criminal Law, whose main function is the protection of the legal rights inherent in the police and their active members; in an attempt to prevent any irregularity in the performance of the functions that the National Constitution has entrusted them with restrictions on the exercise of force, to strengthen enforcement and compliance with due process is the essential requirement to fulfill the line administration of justice and respect for human rights of the civilian population, revealing the provision of national and international, that are applicable and binding the Colombian state, and establish regulations and interpretation thereof, are compatible to indicate that the application of the Criminal Military Court, is not set or human rights. But do not ignore the discomfort of the analysis, that just make different state actors, when establishing the jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Court, pursuant to any criminal offense, committed by a servant of the Armed Forces, is knowledge of Military Criminal Justice, turning the military Penal jurisdiction in booty impunity or immunity for active military who commit these behaviors and thereby escape liability for violations of human rights civil society. But that's not all, because under so extensive competition, violations of human rights perpetrated by members of the armed forces are investigated and punished by military authorities and thus excluding ordinary authority, knowledge and sanction of such investigations. It also gets to present what are the crimes that are excepted, the knowledge of the Military Criminal Justice, as the severity of the violation of human rights is so magna, greatly impacting society, in that they are violations sex, extrajudicial executions, killings, torture and enforced disappearanc

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