Scholarly E-Book Use across Disciplines: Content Analysis of Usage Reports and Search Terms


Data collected through COUNTER usage statistics and the LibQUAL+ service quality assessment survey tell us that faculty and students value access to the growing e-book collection at Columbia University Libraries (CUL). While the aggregate results indicate that e-book use continues to increase, usage rates are not uniform across disciplines. Given the highly diverse research needs of the university community, CUL is keen to understand scholarly e-book usage in various disciplines. In this study, we sought an innovative research method to understand e-book usage. This method utilizes data from two sources: readers’ e-book search terms harvested by Google Analytics; and requested e-book titles provided by the COUNTER e-book usage reports. The data was analyzed using NVivo, a qualitative analysis software, to examine popular scholarly e-book topics and the correlation between search and delivery. This paper is scheduled for publication in the 2014 CUNY Assessment Conference Proceedings

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