Revolutions That As Yet Have No Model: Derrida’s Limited Inc.


In 1971, Derrida read a paper entitled Signature evenement contexte in Montreal. In 1972, it was included in his collection Marges de la philosophie [Paris: Minuit]. In 1977, in the first issue of Glyph, appeared its English version "Signature Event Context." The piece was followed by "Reiterating the Differences: A Reply to Derrida" by John Searle. In Derrida's essay the limits and implications of the philosophical strategy of J. L. Austin, the founder of speech act theory, are discussed. In his short reply Searle, himself a speech act theorist, picks out what in his opinion are some of Derrida's obvious mistakes and corrects them in a tone of high disdain. The piece in review is Derrida's response to Searle's "Reply," published simultaneously and under the same title in French and English. In French as a pamphlet, in English as a part of Glyph 2. In it, with a mocking show of elaborate patience, Derrida exposes Searle's critique to be off the mark in every way. Whereas Searle's essay is brusque and all too brief, Derrida's is long and parodistically courteous and painstaking

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