The Mediterranean fruit (ly, Ceratitis capitata Weid, was gamma irradiated as full grown pupae with 50, 70 and 90 gray. The produced adults were examined for their attractiveness to the non irradiated (normal) other sex. Well as the attractiveness of the latter to the irradiated other sex was also examined. The results obtained showed that all gamma doses tested had no clear effect on the attraction of normal females by irradiated males. At 50 and 70 gray, the irradiated females were less attracted by normal males, than the normal females, while at 90 gray the irradiated females were more attracted by normal males than normal females. A very low percentage of males were attracted by females whether they were irradiated or not.عند تشعيع العذارى الكاملة النضج لذبابة فاكهة البحر الأبيض المتوسط بالجرعات 50 ، 75 ، 90 جراى من أشعة جاما واختبرت الجاذبية الجنسية للذباب الناتج للجنس اللآخر غير المشعع وكذلك جاذبية هذا الأخير للجنس الآخر المشعع لم يلاحظ تأثر واضح على انجذاب الإناث المشععة إلى الذكور غير المشععة عند الجرعتين 55 ، 70 جراي بينما زاد عند الجرعة 95 جراي . ولكن كانت نسبة إنجذاب الذكور للإناث قليلة جدا سواء في الحشرات المشععة أو غير المشععة