
Some Paradoxes of Paul


Thesis (Ph.D)--Boston UniversityThe purpose of this dissertation is to determine the relationship of some of Paul is paradoxical themes as given in nine of his New Testament letters. Both the purpose and methodology follow this pattern: (1) A general presentation of the nature of paradox, (2) analysis of significant cultural and personal influences, (3) exegesis and interpretation of five paradoxical themes, (4) inquiry into the nature and purpose of the Pauline paradox, (5) an ordered summary of tbe findings of the study. This appears in Chapter Six. Chapter Two offers different definitions of paradox and its use in poetry, science, the Bible, and in recent theological thought. In Chapter Three attention is focused on the Jewish, Hellenic, and Roman contribution to Paul's life and thought. But the discussion leads to the primary emphasis which influenced Paul, namely, his own creative religious experience. Chapter Four is concerned with these specific paradoxical themes: sovereignty and freedom, law and grace, living through eying, strength through weakness, foolishness and wisdom. The Fifth Chapter deals with the general nature and purpose of the Pauline paradox. [TRUNCATED

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