Supporting ourselves and others by encouraging self-care: Strategies that educational developers can build into courses for instructors and students (and consider using ourselves) -- #EDC2019


Members of the Millennial and iGeneration generations report higher levels of anxiety and depression, lower levels of self-esteem and happiness, lower levels of intrinsic motivation for school, and have less experience with independence, self-directed learning, and decision-making than past generations, and as a result require more guidance to be able to succeed in higher education (Twenge, 2018). These students and early-career professionals may benefit from explicit support around building self-care into academic experiences. This one-page showcase item asks educational developers and instructors to consider ways to build self-care strategies into their courses, to bolster both students and instructors, and shares sample strategies; these strategies can apply to different types of courses and across disciplines. As part of the showcase, the presenters will invite participant interaction to share ideas, discuss challenges, and ask questions

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