
Initial operation plan for use of the atmospheric haze recorder.


Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University N.B.: page viii is missing from the original thesis.An airborne telephotometric device (haze recorder) is now being constructed at the Boston University Physical Research Laboratory to collect the data necessary for a study of atmospheric haze. It is expected that this present study will indicate the existence of correlations between haze light intensity and parameters significant in aerial photography. The purpose of this thesis is the provide an operational plan including data reduction and preliminary analysis for the first exploratory test flights. The haze recorder is being constructed to measure up-welling light intensity in a narrow path from horizon through nadir to horizon. The plane of this sweep rotates in 450 intervals relative to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft, and a filter wheel synchronized with the sweep from horizon to horizon passes light alternately through blue, green, and red filters. Thus a three-dimensional plot of up-welling light is formed for each of three spectral ranges. A photomultiplier tube transforms this intensity into an electrical signal which, after amplification, is displayed on an oscilloscope tube and photographed. [TRUNCATED

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