
Compressed sensing and undersampling k-space


In the field of medical imaging, one of the most important concepts consists of the creation of the image from an obtained signal. The creation of the image is broken down into a subset of tasks. The first is the basic concept of isolating the element crucial to creating an image. One example is the isolation of different atoms in different modalities, for example PET or SPECT. Second, is using the intrinsic properties of these atoms to create a signal that can be recorded, this is done by magnets, gradients, coils, and other technological advances specific to other imaging modalities. Third, is the method used to record the signal. This can be done in many different ways, including but not limited to, radon space and k-space. Last but not least is the transform of the data in their respective spaces into images that are read by technologists. What is described here is, a very simple explanation for the process that different modalities go through in order to create an image. This review paper will be focused mainly on k-space acquisition and the different ways that the acquisition of k-space and image creation can be accelerated to improve patient time spent in the machine

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