
Freud's criticism of religion and the Roman Catholic reply.


Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThe purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and evaluate the source and substance of Freud's attack on religion and the Roman Catholic reply. This involves many areas of investigation. The study investigates Freud's life and intellectual development to try to show how he arrived at his view of man and his attitude towards religion. The study presents Freud's view of religion and compares it with Roman Catholic doctrine and the reply of Roman Catholic spokesmen in the United States since 1900. The foundations for Freud's criticisms began early in his life. He had resented the arbitrary authority of his father from his youngest years and this was expressed as an adult partly through his resentment against religion. Through the unconscious processes of condensation and displacement Freud identified his father with authority and authority with religion. Thus, when he attacked religion he was attacking his father and authority. He was never quite able to reject his father's authority on a conscious level and constantly attacked him through his religious criticisms. [TRUNCATED

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