
EyeRIS: A General-Purpose System for Eye Movement Contingent Display Control


In experimental studies of visual performance, the need often emerges to modify the stimulus according to the eye movements perfonncd by the subject. The methodology of Eye Movement-Contingent Display (EMCD) enables accurate control of the position and motion of the stimulus on the retina. EMCD procedures have been used successfully in many areas of vision science, including studies of visual attention, eye movements, and physiological characterization of neuronal response properties. Unfortunately, the difficulty of real-time programming and the unavailability of flexible and economical systems that can be easily adapted to the diversity of experimental needs and laboratory setups have prevented the widespread use of EMCD control. This paper describes EyeRIS, a general-purpose system for performing EMCD experiments on a Windows computer. Based on a digital signal processor with analog and digital interfaces, this integrated hardware and software system is responsible for sampling and processing oculomotor signals and subject responses and modifying the stimulus displayed on a CRT according to the gaze-contingent procedure specified by the experimenter. EyeRIS is designed to update the stimulus within a delay of 10 ms. To thoroughly evaluate EyeRIS' perforltlancc, this study (a) examines the response of the system in a number of EMCD procedures and computational benchmarking tests, (b) compares the accuracy of implementation of one particular EMCD procedure, retinal stabilization, to that produced by a standard tool used for this task, and (c) examines EyeRIS' performance in one of the many EMCD procedures that cannot be executed by means of any other currently available device.National Institute of Health (EY15732-01

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