Assessment of generic competences in pre-service physical education teachers: An experience in non-formal context


The Physical Education field needs to know more in depth the formative processes that take place outside formal educational institutions. The aim of this paper is to describe the experience of a practicum in non-formal educational contexts, where students of Physical Education participate, in order to identify and assess the generic competences acquired during the process. The experience is developed in a subject associated to the Physical Education Bachelor of a Chilean university and aims to develop a practicum during five months in non-formal educational contexts, such as: (a) centers linked to formative and high perfomance sports; (b) centers linked to sports administration and management; (c) centers linked to physical activity and community health; (d) gyms and physical activity centers linked to fitness. 32 students and 18 centers represented by their respective managers participate in the experience. For data collection, two ad-hoc questionnaires are applied, one addressed to students, and the other to the representatives of the centers; both instruments aim to identify and assess the competences that students show during the process. The results show that according to the perception of the practicum centers, the most developed competences by the students during the process are: (a) respect for diversity; (b) adaptation to the context; (c) collaborative work. While according to the perception of the students are: (a) expansion of knowledge; (b) respect; (c) responsibility

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