
Inequality, poverty and loss of purchasing power of wage Income in Spain as a result of the economic crisis


[Resumo] O obxectivo deste traballo é ver como as políticas de axuste que se puxeron en marcha por causa da crise económica trouxeron consigo unha forte diminución das rendas salariais en relación co produto interior bruto, así como un incremento do risco de pobreza e/ou exclusión social en España. Xa que logo, analízanse a desigualdade, a pobreza e a perda de poder adquisitivo das rendas salariais en España nos anos posteriores ao inicio da crise. A superioridade das rendas salariais sobre as empresariais en relación co produto interior bruto de finais do pasado século desapareceu até se igualaren ambos os tipos de rendas. Como efecto da evolución destas variables macroeconómicas, o risco de pobreza e/ou exclusión social aumentou, e os máis castigados foron os menores de 16 anos e os desempregados. Cómpre salientarmos que o índice de pobreza e/ou exclusión social en España está situado entre os máis altos da Zona Euro, cun crecemento entre 2008 e 2014 tres veces maior á media da rexión[Abstract] The aim of this work is to analyse how the adjustment policies that were put in place because of the economic crisis lead to a strong decrease of the wage income when compared to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Also, it analyses how they meant an increase of poverty risk and/or social exclusion in Spain. Therefore, this work deals with inequality, poverty and the loss of purchasing power of wage income in Spain during the years that followed the crisis. The superiority of wage income compared with the income of the firms in relation to gross domestic product at the end of last century has disappeared, and the participation of both incomes has become equal nowadays. As a result of the evolution of these macroeconomic variables, the risk of poverty and/or social exclusion has increased in Spain. The hardest hit has been experienced by children under 16 years old and unemployed people. Regarding Europe, it should be noted that the poverty rate and/or social exclusion in Spain is located among the highest in the Eurozone, having increased three times more than the average in the region between 2008 and 201

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