Cybersecurity Planning Insight: CSCD (Cyber Security and Cyber Defense) Control: Framework For Strategic Direction and Governance


Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementIn this recent time, the importance of cybersecurity and cyber defense is sky-high. Everyone uses different devices, IT infrastructures, and applications for various purposes at school, office, home, hospitals everywhere. With the enlightenment of technology, the nature of cyber-attack has been changed dramatically, and that is why the number of cyber-attacks have been increased. Enterprises face billions of Euros loss from such incidents; even the data loss and operational hazard may have a devastating impact not only on the service, security, privacy, brand image but also upon overall business. A constrictive and realistic CSCD (cyber security and cyber defense) strategy along with the proper implementation of it, can safeguard the enterprises and strongly from cyber attacks. In this paper, we prepare an improved CSCD control framework based on several hundreds of scientific papers and frameworks. Moreover, we identify different aspects and strategic elements by holistic CSCD control risk assessment and data analysis for preparing CSCD strategy and planning of different levels of organizations to maintain effective CSCD governance and cyber resilience

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