Organizational innovativeness and addiction: moderator mediation effect through perceived usefulness on technostress


The goal of thisstudy isto explorethe effects of innovative organizations on employee’stechnostress and howaddiction to mobile Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)mediates the relationship. We also includedthe moderator perceived usefulness of mobile ICTsto the model. By applying a survey in three differentmomentsto a final sample of 157 employees, we analyzedwhether addiction mediated the relationship between organizational innovativeness and two technostressors: techno overload and techno invasion. Additionally, we examineif individuals’perceived usefulness moderates the relationship between organizational innovativeness and addiction. Finally, we aimed to analyze whether the indirect effects of organizational innovativeness on techno overload and techno invasion, through addiction, are dependent on the level of perceived usefulness of mobile ICTs. Results haves hown a significant indirect effect between organizational innovativeness and both techno overload and techno invasion, through addiction, when perceived usefulness is high

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