
Sainfoin seeds as protein source for weaned piglets - a new utilization of a long-known forage legume


Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) has been used as a forage legume for centuries and is also popular for use as green manure in some Austrian regions, but so far the protein-rich seeds have not been utilized as a feedstuff. As part of the EU Core Organic ll research project ICOPP (Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry), sainfoin seeds have recently been tested as a protein source for weaned piglets. The protein-rich components of the control diet were peas and soybean cake, which were substituted by sainfoin seeds in the experimental diets H (10% sainfoin seeds), D 10 and D 16 (10 and 16% dehulled sainfoin seeds, respectively; as fed basis). Neither feed intake and body weight gain nor feed conversion ratio differed between treatments. This leads to the conclusion that sainfoin seeds can be used as a protein source for piglets just as well as peas and soybean cake

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