The Adoption of open innovation within the health sector: empirical evidence of Portugal


Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementOpen innovation is now one of the most popular approaches in innovation management. This innovation model recognizes that not all good ideas can arise within the organization itself and, likewise, not all good ideas generated within it can be commercialized internally with success. Open innovation thus promotes collaboration with external partners throughout the innovation process. However, despite the growing interest of research in open innovation, little attention has been given to understanding this paradigm in the health sector. Therefore, this investigation intends to contribute to the literature, exploring the adoption of open innovation in organizations operating in the Portuguese health sector with their professionals. In order to meet the objectives of this study, a quantitative methodology was adopted through the elaboration of an online questionnaire to professionals of health organizations. The results obtained show that health organizations are already engaged in open innovation. Consequently, it was possible to identify the main processes (outside-in and coupled) and their practices (external networking, strategic alliances and customer involvement), as well as the external partners (consultants, commercial labs or private R&D institutes, customers, and universities or other higher education institutions) and motives (to acquire complementary knowledge) for these organizations to engage in open innovation

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