
Bedürfnisse von Junglandwirten und ihre Wünsche an die Jugendarbeit der ökologischen Anbauverbände


Organic producer organisations are recruiting new members. On important target group are young farmers who at some point in their careers will consider membership. The objective of this study was to analyse i) the needs of young farmers, ii) which services would make membership attractive, and iii) which services producer organisations currently offer young farmers, for producer organisations to derive new ideas on specific services for this target group. Young farmer’s most important demands for services are advice in the process of setting up a business, job placement and networking among young farmers and with experienced farmers, e.g. by specific arrangement such as young farmer’s days, field trips etc. The current offers of producer organisations, if they exist, are rarely communicated as such. Addressing young farmers early in their careers with specific offers is therefore highly recommended

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