
Muttergebundene Aufzucht in der Milchviehhaltung - langfristige Auswirkungen auf Verhalten und Wohlbefinden


The integration of dairy heifers into the cow herd shortly before their first parturition is a common management practice also in organic farming and is associated with stress. In this study we investigated whether the ability to cope with such challenges is affected by experiences during early age. Three groups of heifers which differed with respect to the contact to their mother during the first 12 weeks of life were compared. At the age of 25+/-0.2 months heifers were integrated individually into the cow herd and observed for 33 hours. Heifers reared with contact to their mother used the cubicles quicker and more consistently and also tended to differ in the social behaviour compared to the heifers reared without mother. These preliminary results suggest some positive long-term effects of mother-bonded rearing on later challenge response and welfare of dairy cattle

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