Analysis of Code Blocks for Concern Detection in MATLAB Systems


It is known that the support provided by MATLAB for module decomposition is limited. Such limitations give rise to code symptoms, which can be explored for the development of techniques for the detection of concerns, namely unmodularised concerns. Recent work in the area of concern detection in MATLAB systems identified several recurring code patterns that can be associated to the presence of specific concerns. Some of the concerns detected proved to be unmodularised: they cut across the MATLAB system’s modular decomposition. The techniques already developed for detecting unmodularised concerns in MATLAB systems still lack precision and accuracy. As proposed in previous work, the techniques and tools for pinpointing and representing concern-detection patterns need maturing. This thesis contributes with a more accurate structure for representing MATLAB code bases in an intelligent repository for MATLAB code, developed prior to this work. It perfects the structure representing MATLAB code on which the repository is based, by refining the notion of code block, and collects code patterns found in previous publications aggregating them into a catalogue. Subsequently, a preliminary study is made on the application of codes of blocks for the detection of concerns, validating previous concern related patterns and evaluate the existence of new ones

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