Eritrean Diaspora in Germany: The case os the Eritrean refugees in Baden-Württemberg


The object of this paper is the Eritrean diasporic community and its organization, experiences, and perspectives in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The aim is to obtain a broad understanding the of the Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers which immigrated between 2015 and 2019, their relation with the community already constructed in Baden-Württemberg with a special focus on transnational issues. The connection between religious and placemaking, long-distance nationalism, sense of belonging and the engagement in the homeland are essential spotlights in the case study of the Eritrean diaspora for this research. The thesis finds that the Eritrean community which arrived since the beginning of the “summer of migration” are based in the placemaking through the religion in Baden-Württemberg, but also maintaining strong ties with the homeland. This research can contribute to the understanding of the object studied, serving as the basis for future researches related to the Eritrean global diaspora and the diasporic community in Germany and Baden-Württemberg

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