Electronic health record portals in Portugal : a perspective from providers and patients


Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceHealthcare systems are becoming more patient centered, as today’s citizens are more active and more informed. In line with this trend, healthcare providers are promoting the use of online applications such as Electronic Health Record (EHR) portals. EHR portals can be defined as web based applications that combine an EHR system and a patient portal, with the potential of helping to achieve benefits for both patients and healthcare providers, which makes the adoption of EHR portals an important field to study and understand. The aim of this study is to characterize the view from providers and patients on EHR portals, having the Portuguese health system as scenario. The methodology was divided into a provider-centered and a patient-centered approach, being characterized as a mixed-methods research as qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures were followed. Results point out that EHR portals are considered by providers as crucial in the establishment of a digital relationship with patients, but efforts still need to be carried out for the users to adhere to these technologies. Also, the portals available in Portugal are heterogeneous in terms of functionalities offered, greatly differing in terms of number of functionalities. Patients view some functionalities of EHR portals more important than others and half of them are users of the portal developed by the public provider. The statistically determinants of adoption of EHR portals were verified. By having the perspective of providers and users, it was possible to provide insights that can be helpful to develop EHR portals that meet patient demands

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