
Organic Sensory Information System – a European project that cares about organic taste at BioFach 2009


At the session at BioFach 2009 the following papers were presented: - ECROPOLIS (EU 7FP): Introduction and goals (Gabriela S. Wyss, co-ordinator, FiBL) - Sensory research and organic products (Kirsten Buchecker, WP leader sensory analysis, ttz) - Market potential of organic products through sensory research (Achim Spiller, WP leader market needs and solutions, University of Göttingen) - Regulatory framework and effect of taste (Otto Schmid, Co-WP leader market needs and solutions, FiBL) - Experiences in Germany and impact for SME/SME Associations (Elke Röder, WP leader dissemination and training, BNN

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