
Einführung von Tiergesundheitsplänen in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung - Ergebnisse einer deutschen Pilotstudie


It was the aim to (1) identify major indicators of animal health in organic dairy farming (i.e. mastitis, lameness, metabolic/reproductive disorders, calf diseases) and to define respective goals, (2) to provide guidelines for the development of herd health plans based on these indicators and, (3) to carry out an implementation study on representative dairy farms taking farmers, veterinary surgeons as well as other advisors into account. 44 organic dairy farms were visited four times during 2006 and 2007. Following a thorough assessment, herd health plans were developed in 28 farms; herd health was then monitored for one year. After one year, treatment incidence for clinical mastitis was significantly lower in intervention farms. Also lameness prevalence was more reduced in intervention than in control farms (intervention study integrated in this project). Other health indicators were not significantly affected; however, this should be viewed in the light of the rather short period after implementation of the herd health plans. In conclusion, this farm-individual herd health planning tool has been demonstrated to effectively improve important dairy health aspects

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