
Use of Reynoutr;a sachalinens;s plant extracts, clay preparations and Brev;bacillus brev;s against fungal diseases of grape berries


R. sachalinensis plant extracts (Milsana was in ali trials as effective against U. necator as sulphur, even in years with very high disease pressure. The plant extract showed also positive effects in Botrytis control. Myco-Sin was in ali trials as effective in controlling P. viticola as the copper containing agent FW 450. The combination 01 Milsana, Myco-Sin and B. brevis revealed the potential 01 B. brevis lor control 01 B. cinerea in grape berries, and indicated additional positive effects towards the contro I 01 U. necator. The combined use 01 these biological control agents shows strong potential lor replacement 01 copper and sulphur in organic viticulture

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