
Control of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug in organic fruit growing and possible side effects of control strategies on Aphelinus mali Haldeman and other beneficial insects


The effect of Quassia extract on eggs and larvae of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea was studied. The efficacy of this extract is mainly due to an oral toxicity to the neonate sawfly larvae. The main active ingredients, Quassin and Neoquassin, were tested separately. Wheras Quassin has a considerable efficacy also on older larvae, Neoquassin is less efficient in this case. While Quassin and Neoquassin are found in different Quassia sources in varying relations to each other and have different efficacy, they have to be considered separately in the definition of extract quality by the content of active ingredients. These findings mean, that the “egg maturity” is not important for application date. Nevertheless, the application must take place before the larvae hatch. It was shown that low rates of Quassin (4-6 g/ha) can show very good results in the field, in other cases the rates necessary for good efficacy are much higher. This corresponds to farmers experience. Several factors as application technique and the condition of the blossom must be taken in consideration and will be object of further studies. The side effects of Quassin, Neoquassin and Quassia extract on Aphelinus mali and other beneficial arthropods were tested. Quassia is harmless to all organisms tested

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