
Understanding earwig phenology in top fruit orchards


Earwigs, Forficula auricularia, are key generalist predators to a variety of orchard pests. However, numbers of earwigs have declined in both organic and IPM orchards in recent years. Both Integrated and Organic fruit growers have tried to re-establish earwig populations, thus far with little success. To understand earwig population dynamics and to find measures to increase natural orchard populations, we conducted a detailed phenological survey of earwigs in orchards. Earwigs were sampled while sheltering during daytime in artificial refuges. They move into the trees from the third nymph stage onwards. In most orchards, a small second brood is produced in summer, and this has a positive impact on population size in fall. We see only minor differences in phenology between apple and pear orchards, mainly caused by differences in alternative hiding places. Earwigs show an inexplicable reduction in numbers at the timing of moulting into adults. When earwig phenology is correlated with pest phenology in apple and pear, its use for pest control of major pests is clear

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