
Nanofasern als neuartige Träger für flüchtige Signalstoffe zur biotechnischen Regulierung von Schadinsekten im integrierten und ökologischen Landbau


Using nanofibers as dispensers for pheromones and kairomones in plant protection for disrupting insect chemical communication is a novel approach aiming at popularizing this technique in organic and integrated plant production. Expected advantages of the nanofibers are highly controlled spatiotemporal release rates of pheromones / kairomones, improved climatic stability, and mechanized application. Dispenser types used so far show deficiencies in one or more of these requirements. Mechanical application of pheromones is a new approach to reduce the costs of manual labour and therefore the environmentally compatible, highly specific and efficient technique of mating disruption may become an alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides in integrated pest management. The nanofibers are highly elastic, which prevents breakoff of smaller pieces, and polymers used are biocompatible. Due to the scale of nanofibers the mass input both for pheromones and for polymeric nanofibers is very low. Major environmental benefits are high control specificity, very low concentrations of residues and reduced risk of development towards insect resistance

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