Differenzierung und Identifizierung von Weizen aus ökologischen und konventionellen Anbausystemen durch die kombinierte Anwendung von drei Bildschaffenden Methoden
By combined application of the three picture forming methods biocrystallization ac-cording to Pfeiffer, capillary dynamolisis according to Wala and circular chromatogra-phy according to Pfeiffer encoded food samples from different production systems have been repeatedly differentiated and identified by Dr. Ursula Graf. In the present study we tested whether by using the combined three picture forming methods en-coded food samples from different production systems could also be differentiated and identified in a different laboratory by another trained person. Ten encoded wheat samples each from 2000 and 2005 harvests were taken from the long-term DOK- trial in Oberwil/Switzerland and examined with the pictomorphological methods. The wheat samples derived from the production systems ‘bio-dynamic’, ‘bio-organic’, ‘unfertil-ized’, ‘mineral fertilization’ and ‘conventional’ (mineral fertilization combined with ma-nure application) could be differentiated and identified, with partial differentiation and identification of the two production systems ‘bio-dynamic’ and ‘bio-organic’