
Intra-Row Weed Control by use of Band Steaming


Soil disinfection by steam is a well-known technique used within horticulture and market gardening. The most common steam application technique is sheet steaming, where the soil is covered with a thermo resistant sheet, which is sealed at the edges and then blowing steam under the sheet so that the steam penetrates through the soil. The method is effective for control of weed, plant pathogens and nematodes. However, high fuel consumption and low capacity are serious disadvantages. Moreover all living organisms, harmful and useful, in the treated soil are killed, and therefore the method is not in line with the basis ideas of organic farming. A new concept and technique for performing band heating has been developed. By heating only a narrow band of 6–8 cm around the rows to a depth of 5 cm, energy savings of more than 90% can be obtained. In practice, the system may be combined with a computer-controlled sowing machine for the subsequent sowing of plants in the centre of the treated bands. The system will result in the crop growing in rows free of plant competition. It was seen that soil temperatures of 80-90°C, were needed to achieve god effect in the field

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