
E+E-Projekt „Integration von Naturschutzzielen in den Ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel der Hessischen Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen“ - Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung dauerhafter Landschaftsstrukturen


The Hessian state domain Frankenhausen near Kassel was converted to organic farming in July 1998 and serves as a research and demonstration farm of the univer-sity. Before that time the farm changed constantly by typical intensification of conven-tional farming: The landscape is a mirror of intense use: cleared and drained fields, canalised brooks and large fields with few structural elements. – Within the project “The Integration of Nature Conservation into Organic Farming” (supported by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Envi-ronmental Ministry) and based on the analysis of the present situation using methods of landscape ecology. Measures to restore brooks, structural elements and biotopes are to be implemented. The aim is to integrate structural elements like hedgerows into the farm management

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