
Möglichkeiten der Optimierung der Wirtschaftsdüngung zu Winterweizen durch Berücksichtigung bodentypischer Gegebenheiten


In organic farming, N supply to non-legumes often does not meet the N-demand of the respective crops, which then results in low yields and unsatisfactory product quality. The present study analysed the potential of a site specific application of organic ferti-lizers to improve N-efficiency of organic winter wheat production. Under a constant management, strong yield variations were caused by different soil types. On average of two experimental years (2005/06), liquid manure application of 135 kg N ha-1 in-creased the crop yields by 50%.The crude protein content was significantly improved as well. Interactions of soil type and fertilisation on yield and quality parameters were absent, except for a significantly higher utilisation of N from liquid manure on soils with a higher water storage capacity under dry conditions of the growing period 2006

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