
Kupferminimierungsstrategien im ökologischen Kartoffelanbau – Projekt “ÖKO-SIMPHYT“: Erste Erfahrungen aus dem norddeutschen Freiland


In the research project „ÖKO-SIMPHYT“ different strategies are tested to reduce the copper application for Phytophthora infestans in organic potato cultivation. Within the first two years of our research a reduction of the total amount of copper per hectare could be accomplished when applying the new developed forecast system ÖKO-SIMPHYT. With this decision support system a reduction of copper up to 46% was possible, when the infection pressure was relatively low. These first results have now to be proven under high infection pressure conditions. Experiments were carried out in the greenhouse to test the rain stability of copper and contacting agents. It could be proved that precipitation of 30 mm is able to reduce the degree of a copper treatment by up to 25%

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