
Auslaufbewirtschaftung in der Rinder- und Schweinehaltung


Outdoor runs for cattle and pigs are compulsory for organic farms in Europe from 2011 the latest according to the EU regulation (1804/1999). Aim of the study was to investi-gate management and investment costs of runs on German farms. 20 pig farms of a special brand for animal friendly husbandry were investigated with a questionnaire and more detailed investigations were carried out on 10 farms. Furthermore, data were evaluated from a questionnaire of ca. 800 organic cattle farms and from farm visits of ca. 100 farms. Cattle: Nearly half of organic dairy farms had access to outdoor runs. However, the percentage was lower in stanchion barns than in loose housing systems. Furthermore, the percentage was lower for young stock, fattening bulls or calves. Outdoor runs were normally not covered. All runs were paved (normally with concrete). Runs were cleaned 3 – 7 times a week (normally by tractor). Slurry was produced in most cases because runs were not bedded. In many runs, elements like drinkers, roughage sup-ply, or cow brushes were available. Investment costs ranged between 250 and 300 € per cow. Pigs: Nearly half of organic pig farms have outdoor runs for fattening pigs. All runs of the brand program were bedded. This is less common in organic farms. Many runs were covered. Drinkers were available in all runs. Runs were cleaned 1 – 2 times a week by tractor. Calculated investment costs amounted to 130 and 190 € per fattening pig for herd sizes of 100 and 400 pigs. Investment costs at the farms visited amounted to 60 € per pig for reconstructed and to 120 € for new buildings. The lower costs were due to internal labour

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