
Erste Freilanduntersuchungen zur Wirkung von Madex plus gegen CpGV-resistente Apfelwicklerpopulationen in Öko-Betrieben


In first field tests on codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) populations proven to be resis-tant against codling moth granulovirus (CpGV) Madex plus, a selectioned CpGV, proved to be rather effective and showed a better efficacy than Madex 3, the standard CpGV-product. However, it is to consider that high amounts of Madex plus were used (50 ml/ha and m tree height each seven sunny days (a rainy day is considered half a sunny day). Moreover, the risk of development of resistance against this new selection is not clear yet. Thus, even if now a new selection of CpGV is available for the first time, the strategy of codling moth control in organic farming must rely on more components than only CpGV and mating disruption in the future

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