
Utilising the concept of nutrients as a currency within organic farming system


This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference.Within organic systems, the successful management of nutrients at the field level is crucial for maximising production and minimising the environmental impacts. This requires that the farmer makes the best possible use of nutrients excreted by the grazing or housed livestock. In addition, the farmer must successfully manage the nutrients built-up in the ley phase of the crop rotation over the whole of the arable phase period. To analyse these complex flows, a nutrient budget model has been developed that describes the spatial and temporal flows within the organic farming system. The concept is analogous to treating nutrients as a currency where the flow of nutrients represents a cashflow. A spatial nutrient budget permits the analyses of the performance of the nutrient flows to be examined for the housing, manure, livestock, rotational land and permanent pasture to be analysed separately. This analysis will allow the farmer to better understand the weaknesses in the system, and hence take preventative measures

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