
Mixed cropping systems for biological control of weeds and pests in organic oilseed crops


Agricultural advantages of mixed cropping are gained by biological effects like light competition, offering weed-suppressing capacities or by diversification of plant covers to break development cycles of pests. In a two-year project on mixed cropping with organic oilseed crops these effects were measured. It was found that weeds can be efficiently suppressed in organic linseed (Linum usitatissivum) in crop combinations with wheat (Triticum aestivum) or false flax (Camelina sativa). But linseed development was strictly limited. Also in organic pea production (Pisum sativum) the introduction of mixtures with the oil crop false flax led to a significant decrease of weed population. Either culture showed a balanced plant development. In winter rape (Brassica napus) hints were found that infestation by insect pests can be directly reduced in mixtures with cereals or legumes and that parasitoids of insect pests are supported

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