
Gesundheitserhebung bei Legehennen zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit durch Implementierung von Tiergesundheitsplänen


This study was implemented to improve animal health of laying hens on organic farms. 20 farms were selected and animal health was evaluated. The farmers were inter-viewed about the housing system and management practices. Health and behavioural problems of the herd, as well as the incidence of endo- and ectoparasites were as-sessed. Housing facilities were evaluated and potential causes of health problems noted. Most of the farms have problems with damaged plumage and with the red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae). In most cases farmers know about these problems, but the reasons are difficult to find. This was the next step within the project (results not shown). Potential causes of problems were identified and farm specific animal health plans implemented to improve the animal health status on the farms

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