Improving contact center cost efficiency and customer experience in a retail company


A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe purpose of this Work Project is to recommend feasible solutions aimed to decrease the costs of a Retail Company Contact Center associated to the high volume of inbound calls. In order to promote a higher impact on the volume of calls reduction, the Work Project focuses on the Portuguese Customers contacts regarding repair processes within the defined period for the Company to proceed with the repair and centers the research on a profound understanding of the main motivations for the Customers to call. The proposed solutions diverse from Stores and Contact Center new specific training modules to specific actions as a follow up SMS adapted to the different types of processes, a new IVR, among others. For the solutions which are possible to compute a cost-benefit analysis, the annual savings may reach values between 41.500€ and 47.100€ for the Company

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