
Die Bedeutung von Säumen im großflächigen Ökologischen Landbau


Establishing a system of field margins for enhancing the floristic and faunistic biodiversity on a Demeter farm in north-east Germany is part of the project “Nature conservation farm Brodowin”, which analyses potential conflicts between nature conservation demands and large-scale organic agriculture. In cooperation with the Demeter farm Ökodorf Brodowin several possibilities for the special management of field margins are tested, which meet the demands of target species as well as fit in the agricultural process. Field margins from 3 to 20m are excluded from ploughing, partly set aside and partly mown once or twice a year. First results show that these field margins serve as habitat and source-area for a large variety of species. For example, density and reproduction of grasshoppers is high, especially on margins with poor soils. From the agricultural point of view, unploughed field margins can facilitate farming procedures. Depending on the quantity and quality of the fodder, it can be integrated into animal nutrition

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