
Vegetabile Düngemittel: II. Auswirkung auf Ertrag und N-Aufnahme von Radieschen und Weißkohl


Plant based organic fertilisers were tested in plot trials on their effect as N supply for vegetable crops. Radishes (Raphanus sativus L.) and white cabbage (Brassica d-eracea var. capitata L.) were chosen as fest crops. Beside the unamended control four ({R}adish trial) and two ({C}abbage trial) fertilisers were investigated: Castor pomace (Ricinus communis L), pellets of crushed seeds of lupin (Lupinus luteus L), and faba bean (Vicia faba var. minor L.) and Phytoperls® (Zea mays L). They were applied in two N-levels {(R): 80 and 140 kg N ha-1; (C): 120 and 240 kg N ha1 with the two first mentioned fertilisers}. Castor pomace and lupin seed pellets were found to be more efficient N supplies than faba bean seed pellets and Phytoperls®; on the Iow level >30 % vs. 40 % for cabbage. In both cases lupin seed pellets were slightly more efficient than castor pomace. On the other hand lupin seed pellets caused distinctly Iower nitrate contents than castor pomace, in both species

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