
Parameters for Carrot Quality: and the development of the Inner Quality concept


The life processes of the carrot plant were demonstrated by various parameters in this study. Growth processes, including photosynthesis, absorption of nitrogen and other nutrients and formation of cells, tissues and organs, are measured by the parameters weight of leaves and roots and emission 30-50 white of delayed luminescence. The nitrate content may indicate growth but has to be investigated further. Differentiation processes, including refining, ordering, ripening and secondary metabolisms, are measured by the parameters root stumpiness, saccharose, sweetness, dry matter and emission 30-50 ratio of delayed luminescence. Some other parameters may indicate differentiation processes but have to be further investigated: leaves/root weight ratio, monosaccharides/saccharose ratio, carotenes, initial and total emission white, hyperbolicity ratio and slope white of delayed luminescence. Integration of growth and differentiation is measured by resistance to pests and disease, total appreciation and storage test. Some other parameters may indicate integration but need further investigation: carrot taste, slope white of delayed luminescence. Copper chloride crystallisation did not produce clear pictures due to failure of the method applied and should be further investigated since, in the Apple-1 and -2 studies (Bloksma et al., 2001, 2004 b), it was one of the indicators of the life processes. Electro-chemical parameters, except possibly pH, did not indicate growth processes in his study or in the Apple-1 and -2 studies

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