UJI's Smart Campus: Place Finder App


Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.This thesis consists in design a place nder for mobile devices, speci cally locations within the campus of the Universitat Jaume I. The app will use web services for access to searched information and campus maps. The smart cities and smart campus projects are born and growing around the world. These projects are based on using the newest information and communication technologies for the bene t of citizens. The thesis is framed within the UJI Smart Campus project. Some of the UJI researchers are involved in this project in some way or another, and this app uses resources that have been produced by them. Thus some of the resources developed in this thesis will be able to be used for other purposes. Planning was made following agile [17] development methods, which have allowed us to modify and improve the application requirements as was being implemented. Throughout the development has taken into careful consideration end users, and the details of the user interface have been care so that the nal product be as usable and simple as possible. The app is open for improvements, adding new functionalities and integrating with other parts of the UJI's Smart Campus project

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