A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis direct research explores the contingencies of the relation between knowledge transfer and new
product outcomes in Multinational companies. Indeed, in a MNC context, “the conditions under which
such knowledge transfer can serve to induce positive outcomes remain unclear.”(Lee, 2008, p 1)
After a deep literature review of knowledge transfer and new product outcomes literature, an
exploratory study was conducted to understand which factors can influence the impact of knowledge
transfer in new product outcomes, with the purpose to give insights about the way to approach a
further study. We propose the following three internal contingencies: network strength, absorptive
capacity, customer orientation and an external one: technological turbulence, through a semi
structured interview guide conducted with 12 top managers. Globally, the exploratory study has
provided confirmation for the variables proposed