
Der Einfluss organischer Düngung im Langzeitdüngungsversuch auf das Ausmaß der Wurzelinfektion mit Arbuskulärer Mykorrhiza sowie die Entwicklung des wurzelexternen Myzels bei Kartoffel (Solanum tuberosum)


In the present study, AMF root colonisation of potato plants was compared between organically and minerally fertilised field plots, which did not significantly differ in the total amount of plant available P. The AMF root colonisation was increased in response to organic fertilisation. This indicates that organic fertilisation can enhance AMF development independently from the soil P fertilisation level. Furthermore, soil grown mycelium was trapped in fungal compartments. This technique allowed the extraction and quantification of coarse and finely branched soil grown hyphae after harvest. The soil in the fungal compartments was either fertilised with low or with high amounts of mineral P. In organically fertilised field plots, the amounts of finely branched hyphae in fungal compartments filled with soil of a high P fertilisation level were much higher compared to compartments filled with low P soil. It is discussed, whether AMF isolates from organically managed field sites have a better ability to forage for locally restricted, P rich soil patches compared to AMF isolates from minerally fertilised fields

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