
Is organic food healthier? International research association FQH intensifies research.


The paper gives a brief overview of the activities of the Organic Food Quality and Health Research Association - Organic FQH. The FQH Association encourages, co-ordinates and disseminates research in the field of organic food and health. Offically registered as an international research association in January 2003 in the Netherlands, the FQH Association was founded by 4 European Research Institutes with the support of stakeholders from the Organic Food Trade and Industry. The association distinguishes ordinary members that are research institutions having an active interest in Organic Food Quality, and supporting members that are companies or non governmental organizations. The research institutions work on research concepts and on collective or bilateral research projects. Feedback from supporting members regarding the research direction and specific topics, is regularly obtained during working meetings and/or specific events like the annual BioFach international trade event in Germany

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